This is a good Quality Sleeping Bag for Camping, Hiking and Adventure Trips. This bag is very comfortable to sleep in and keeps you warm and cozy. Often you have to carry a lot of gear when you go camping or on adventure trips. This bag is very lightweight and will not add too much weight to your gear. The size is approximately 220 x 70 cm and is a good fit for most adults. This sleeping bag comes in an easy to carry bag. Fold and roll the sleeping bag and store it in the carry bag. The carry bag also has a fabric handle stitched at the bottom. Product Features:- Good Quality Sleeping Bag for Camping, Hiking and Adventure Trips. Warm, Cozy and Comfortable to Sleep in whether it is Autumn, Spring or Summer or Winters. Lightweight - Does not Add Too Much Weight to your Already Heavy Camping Gear. Comes in an Easy to Carry Bag. It can be Folded, Rolled and Kept in the Carry-Bag. Size: Adult - 220 cm X 70cm (Approx.); Material: Waterproof Polyester Fabric and Hollow Cotton Filling; Colour: Camouflage
1 month ago
1 week ago